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#1 10-10-2023 17:40:38

Lieu : France
Distrib. : Debian-facile 11 (bullseye)
Noyau : 5.10.0-26-amd64
(G)UI : Xfce
Inscription : 21-04-2020

[Résolu] gnome-software (Logiciels) plantage temporaire

c'est tout neuf, gnome-software AKA Logiciels refusait de se lancer. Ça a duré une vingtaine de minutes.

16:17:01:0592 Gs  enabled plugins: desktop-categories, fwupd, os-release, packagekit, packagekit-local, packagekit-offline, packagekit-proxy, packagekit-refine-repos, packagekit-refresh, packagekit-upgrade, packagekit-url-to-app, appstream, desktop-menu-path, flatpak, hardcoded-blocklist, hardcoded-popular, modalias, packagekit-refine, rewrite-resource, odrs, packagekit-history, provenance, systemd-updates, generic-updates, provenance-license, icons, key-colors, key-colors-metadata
16:17:01:0592 Gs  disabled plugins: dpkg, dummy, repos, malcontent
16:17:01:0675 Gs  not handling error failed for action get-updates-historical: failed to build result for 5859fae972cb36551b299175761b33d8e6e7ce02
16:17:02:0457 Gs  not handling error download-failed for action refresh: E: Le dépôt http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian bullseye-security Release n'a pas de fichier Release.
W: Les mises à jour depuis un tel dépôt ne peuvent s'
effectuer de manière sécurisée, et sont donc désactivées par défaut.
W: Voir les pages de manuel d'apt-secure(8) pour la création des dépôts et les détails de configuration d'un utilisateur.

16:17:02:0498 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Builder.desktop/* to plugin cache
16:17:02:0499 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Calculator.desktop/* to plugin cache
16:17:02:0499 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.clocks.desktop/* to plugin cache
16:17:02:0499 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Dictionary.desktop/* to plugin cache
16:17:02:0499 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Documents.desktop/* to plugin cache
16:17:02:0499 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Evince/* to plugin cache
16:17:02:0499 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.gedit.desktop/* to plugin cache
16:17:02:0499 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Maps.desktop/* to plugin cache
16:17:02:0499 Gs  adding wildcard app */*/*/*/org.gnome.Weather/* to plugin cache
16:17:02:0499 Gs  hiding category audio-video featured applications: found only 0 to show, need at least 9
16:17:02:0499 Gs  hiding category graphics featured applications: found only 0 to show, need at least 9
16:17:03:0026 Gs  not handling error download-failed for action refine: failed to download http://people.gnome.org/~jimmac/gnome-software/steam-logo.svg: Not Found: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p>

16:17:03:0032 Gs  CSS parse error 1:107: Using one color stop with linear-gradient() is deprecated.
16:17:03:0032 Gs  CSS parse error 1:107: Using one color stop with linear-gradient() is deprecated.
16:17:03:0033 Gs  FIXME: Unknown progress handling is not yet implemented for GsProgressButton
16:17:03:0033 Gs  FIXME: Unknown progress handling is not yet implemented for GsProgressButton
16:17:03:0033 Gs  FIXME: Unknown progress handling is not yet implemented for GsProgressButton
16:17:03:0033 Gs  FIXME: Unknown progress handling is not yet implemented for GsProgressButton
16:17:03:0083 Gs  automatically prevented from changing kind on system/package/*/generic/org.gphoto.libgphoto2/* from generic to unknown!
16:17:03:0110 Gs  automatically prevented from changing kind on system/package/*/generic/firmware-ath9k-htc/* from generic to unknown!
16:17:03:0120 Gs  automatically prevented from changing kind on system/package/*/generic/de.linrunner.tlp/* from generic to unknown!
flatpak:ERROR:common/flatpak-variant-impl-private.h:1197:var_summary_get_metadata: assertion failed: (start <= end)
Bail out! flatpak:ERROR:common/flatpak-variant-impl-private.h:1197:var_summary_get_metadata: assertion failed: (start <= end)

Je pense comprendre qu'un des sites ciblés par l'application est injoignable et que ça faisait tout capoter.
Par contre, quid de flatpak ?

Info à toutes fins utiles

Kernel    : Linux 5.10.0-26-amd64 (x86_64)
Version   : #1 SMP Debian 5.10.197-1 (2023-09-29)
C Library   : GNU C Library / (Debian GLIBC 2.31-13+deb11u6) 2.31
Distribution    : Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
-Current Session-
Ordinateur    : debian
Utilisateur   : brennux (brennux)
Language    : fr_FR.UTF-8 (fr_FR.UTF-8)
Dossier Home    : /home/brennux
durée de fonctionnent    : 9 heures 0 minutes
Load Average    : 0,37, 0,45, 0,28
Available entropy in /dev/random    : 256 bits (medium)

gnome-software --version
gnome-software 3.38.1

Voilà, si ça peut servir… J'ai eu chaud quelques minutes

Aucune adoration pour une idole quelconque, vivante, statufiée ou immatérielle.
Xfce, style Numix, icônes Tango, bureau minimaliste

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